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The Interview Wordle

Wordle: the catalog

Web Interfaces Group, Web Advisory Group Minutes

Web Interfaces Group Minutes

June 19, 2012 9 - 10 am 

Present: Elizabeth Andrejasich, Martha Reynolds, Maureen Morgan, Jeremy Worsham


  • What do we want the online catalog to be? (Each One/Reach One Staff Thoughts Project) compiled list of interviews not yet completed and agreed to complete them and share results; agreement that there should be some approach to compilation of results and sharing in a way that would that would helpful for entire staff and possibly generate good discussion/thought. EA suggested simple Wordle approach  as one option and agreed with SRH/JW's help, to generate one for discussion at a future all-staff meeting
  • Memorial Library Silo Visualization Project; group reviewed and made suggestions for additions to current version; agreement that this information also, might be helpful to share in an all staff meeting in some interactive way, even if just to display and interact with on big Idea Paint Wall; EA and JW will facilitate
  • WMS Open House at Covenant: concluded trip de-briefing, continuing pros/ cons voiced
  • Intoto (Proquest's forthcoming product) waiting for possible ALA gleanings/update from SRH, but general concensus we may not be able to afford to wait for this option unless development unfolds more quickly than anticipated
  • Serials Solutions up for renewal/ request for recommendation from SH: group agreed we need to renew for one more year, regardless of recommendations to come later this fall
  • Alma - some interest in at least persuing a preliminary quote since we have one for WMS; mr/jw will follow up with ex libris
  • Housekeeping: Discussed onsite vendor visit data options, future dates for resuming WIG meetings in August

(Notes submitted by Martha Reynolds)

June 6, 2012 9-10am 

Present-Elizabeth Andrejasich, Martha Reynolds, Maureen Morgan, Jeremy Worsham 


  • members shared progress in interviewing staff and students about catalog and interface. 
  • Agreed to work at providing as broad an overview of Exlibris ALMA as we received on OCLC worldshare by contacting Emory University for their experiences and receiving a demo from Exlibris
  • Reviewed EBSCO EDS and the GPALS webinar --how it will run on GALILEO resources in the fall and the A-Z portion. Discussed how this option does not provide a back end solution
  • For complete solutions, we're looking at Worldshare and ALMA but also considering discoverly tools only which would include:
  •       EDS, Summon, Worldcat Local and Primo-- concerns voiced that simply adding a discovery layer may just add something else to manage
  • Jeremy agreed to create a visual/map of our "silos" so that we can better visualize the breadth of services we currently manage and number of vendors we currenly work and negotiate with
Additional notes on the OCLC Worldshare session at Covenant College: 
  • Maureen liked aspects of the cataloging tools, but concerned on acquisitions module. EDI coming August. 
  • Budgeting tools are not simple. 
  • No status option for "in-process" materials
  • can only edit certain local fields but "local notes" are unsearchable in the Worldshare catalog
  • no bulk editing
  • pseudo-patron records work-around for special collections/ no temporary location
  • Good things: All updates automatic, hosted, circulation module is clean easy to change policies quick to learn for student workers. Worldcat Local is a clean and comfortable interface for most exisiting patrons. Borrowing/lending piece seems to uncomlicate ILL some. 
  • License Manager also positive. 
Notes submitted by Elizabeth Andrejasich 

May 21, 2012 8:30-9:30

Present- Martha Reynolds, Maureen Morgan, Jeremy Worsham


Martha informed us about the upcoming webinar with Meryl Penson of GALILEO and their moves toward incorporating Ebsco's Discovery Services into GALILEO.

ExLibris products were the topic of the meeting.  Jeremy and Maureen have a positive response toward company in our current contract.  Fantasitc technical response after loss of library databases.  Quick response and helpful advise.  Vast improvemnet from "Endevor" experience.

From Maureen's perspective, current vendor pretty good. 

Positive points of ExLibris:

Access from anywhere-web interfaces

Improvement? from current circulation module, which is confusing and counter-intuitive.

Alma provides integration across the library spectrumn.

Meeting again on Wed. May 23 to participate in the GALILEO webinar.

Submitted by Steve Head


Web Interfaces Group Minutes

May 9, 2012, 8:45am -9:25 am

Present- Martha Reynolds, Steve Head, Elizabeth Andrejasich, Maureen Morgan, Jeremy Worsham

Articles, Reports and Readings

All group member should be expected to read Brian Matthews "Facing the future" as well as some of the other resources posted on the libguide by the May 16th meeting. 

A timeline for discussing different products was laid out over the May meetings:

May16- Discovery Tools, summon and EDS

MAY 21 Exlibris products

May 30-- Worldshare management services

May 31 "field trip" to Covenant College * Martha will send a final email about travel arrangements to Covenant College later in the week

Gathering staff/student input about the catalog

Agreed to interview individually each staff and student working in the library this summer. The interview questions:

1. What do you expect the catalog to do?

2. What do you use it for?

3. What current features do you use?

4. Name one or two things you'd like it do (that it currently isn't)?

Assigned staff  to interview:

Steve: Jenny, Michael

Elizabeth: Laura, Cheryl

Martha: Jessica, Judy

Maureen: Sherre

Jeremy: Vivienne

students to interview: 

Jon, Melissa, Sarah, Fahkria, Maureen (Jeremy)

Rick, Marissa (Maureen)

Katee, Solie (Elizabeth/Steve)

Clay, Jordan (Elizabeth/Steve)

Michael's students (Martha)

Submitted by Elizabeth Andrejasich May 9 2012

May 2, 2012, 8:45 am - 10:00 am

Present - Martha Reynolds, Steve Head, Elizabeth Andrejasich, Maureen Morgan, Jeremy Worsham

Layout & Customization of LibGuide interface
     Martha went over the layout and content of the libguide where all of the committee's notes and resources are being stored.

  • Customized libguide to match library web page
  • Header to match site wide
  • Steve will send Jeremy image for catalog inclusion

Database Menus

  •  Added customization for specific subject areas resources; i.e. descriptions, names, links directly to the resources
  • Steve will notify Maureen on the creation of submenu items so that if link/resource changes are needed in the future

Live Chat Demo - LibraryH3lp

  • work on different images to notify if the service is online or offline
  • Jeremy will forward to Steve the previous images created for this service for examples
  • Can send text through service
  • Can incorporate into the catalog
  • Pricing is roughly $250/year
  • Do we need to reorder the quicklinks by grouping or spacing differently than is currently on the site to make room for the chat box?

Problem Reports
     Maureen asked about additional ways to report problems with additional resources.  She relayed a story about a patron who contacted a staff member about a problem with a resource that was not received until well after the problem was encountered.  The problem was that the person who could have further investigated the problem and possibly corrected it, wasn't aware of the problem until it was too late to address.
     Further discussion focused around reworking the Ask-a-Librarian links, the pose a reference question form, and the email links. 

  •  Do we link the reference question form directly from the Ask-a-Librarian form?
  • Do we rework the email link to add additional contact points

Main Discussion Points

How do we best approach the whole 'what do we want our catalog to do? What do end users expect when they go to the catalog?" discussion?

  •  Compile thoughts on the catalog and distribute to the staff
  • Jeremy asked do we focus on customizing our current catalog in order to know what we would like to have in the future?  Discussion centered on whether or not this would be the best approach and if this approach would answer our questions.
  • Online catalog doesn't feel like the other resources that our patrons are used to using on a daily basis.
  • How do staff view the catalog in relation to their daily tasks?  Their perspective might affect job functions
  • Feedback due July 31.  Later changed to end of May

How to best cover the waterfront as far as information we already have available to us (webinars, articles, blogs, etc.)

  • Overwhelming amount of information thrown at us constantly on new products, resources, etc. 
  • For right now, we decided to self-discipline ourselves on doing as many webinars/information sessions that we can
  • Email group if you find one that is especially beneficial.  It is easier to deal with one really good resource than wade through several mediocre ones.

Establish a time line and some target dates for ourselves

  • Jeremy will add notes from earlier meetings to the LibGuide
  • Discussion of products to look at - focus on 4-5 to look at, otherwise we will have a hard time distinguishing between similar products.  Who are the key players?
  • End of May - informal assessment of staff and student workers - online catalog only
  • End of June - Familiarize ourselves with the major players and what they do differently from one another
  • Last 2 weeks of July - window for all demos
  • August - Narrow down our choices and rank them in order of preference
  • September - Cushion month for any lingering issues (which we expect to happen)


  • GUGM in Macon for Galileo ExLibris users.  Maureen will look at attending
  • Meet on June 13
  • Move May 23rd meeting to May 21 just in case Jeremy has jury duty

Respectfully submitted by Jeremy Worsham May 2, 2012


April 11, 2012, 8:30 am - 9:45 am, Martha's Office

Present: Steve Head, Martha Reynolds, Maureen Morgan, Elizabeth Andrejasich

At Martha's request, Maureen shared brief highlights from recent ER&L Conference in Austin, and will follow up on a book recommendation that came out of the conference (Expectations and Student Culture, Chapt. 2)

Committee began in-depth discussion of Gover Report and Recommendations (Jeremy's responses shared via e-mail)  

  • General design/usability tips: unanimous agreement and we will continue to aspire/begin to take actions in those directions.

  • Less agreement on reservations she expresses regarding use and incorporation of LibGuides -- majority of committee members ok with continuing use of LibGuides as supplemental, powerful way for generating essential content and getting it to users quickly. Committee agrees that consistency between CMS and LibGuides is an issue we should address - start with LibGuides banner (Steve will followup) customization to match library web site as a first step.  Agreement that we want to leave some freedom for all Libguides creators to tailor particular content as they see fit/appropriate, but need to eventually establish/'suggest' some very general guidelines for all users, rather than impose via admin settings approach.

  • Discussion of current design, recommendation to use real estate below left hand nav to better advantage than currently being used

  • Discussion of EG's prospective design, how to best use the word "Find"; problem with the word "LibGuide" for end user

  • Agreement "library home" should move to top of left hand nav

  • Martha and Steve will hit Google Analytics and heat maps prior to next meeting

  • Discussion of  report will continue at next meeting

Update from Steve re progress on chat option: he has a version of Library H3lp available for our preview and has sent us the link already; approach receiving the most attn currently is not to place an actual open chat box on top page, but rather to link to the box - Steve will think about image icon that might work -  committee in agreement we want to offer - but even a best shared option will only be as good as having an available respondant - will look at together at next mtg

Web Advisory Group materials within Staff LibGuide: Martha has restructured slightly to move resources, learning opportunities info to separate sub-page, will continue to work on links as time permits  - others should feel free to do the same

Database menu approaches/needs : discussion of possibility, advantages of continuing to use current forms system available, but creating, as needed, separate records for selected products to highlight their particular value to a particular subject. Example: Films on Demand; primary record stays the same, appears on A-Z list, elsewhere where general descriptions are appropriate. But Additional variations of FOD record are created for discipline specific needs such as anthropology. They will appear only on the appropriate menu, will also be useful for course-specific libguides/instructional contexts.  Agreement to bring examples to next meeting.

Next meeting April 25th, library classroom. 

Respectfully submitted, mr


March 28, 2012, 8:30-9:30 Martha's Office
(Jeremy's Notes)

Look at Emily's report & see what is important
Google Analytics
Articulate challenges for working with CMS for home page
Wordpress widget? news box
Social Media
May 31 - OCLC Field Trip to Covenant College


March 19, 2012, 10:00-11:00 Library Conference Room
(Jeremy's Notes)

Develop a proposal to organize Archives image resources and make them available
Facebook profile - what to do with it?
Look @ Library System - Discovery layer, worldshare, ALMA?  what are the issues?
Develop approach to evaluate resources.
How do we create the best user experience?
Budget cycle -ask for money if necessary around October 2012
Apply Guiding principles to all resources
How do we do a needs assessment?


Web Advisory Group Notes (2009-2010)

June 8 & 9, 2009, 2:00-4:00 Classroom

Present: Maureen Morgan, Martha Reynolds, Emily Thompson, Xiaojing Zu

The committee met twice to discuss the reorganization of left hand navigation and possible changes on the library homepage. Members brought prototype drawings and favorite design elements from other libraries' homepages, and used post-it note to redesign the left hand navigation.The discussion will continue in the June 17th meeting. 

The committee will share the prototypes with the whole staff before finalizing the design. 

May 27, 2009, 2:00- 3:00pm, Conference room

Members and Advisor present: Maureen Morgan, Martha Reynolds, Emily Thompson, Xiaojing Zu, Jeremy Worsham

Summary of the meeting

  • Announcement of Xiaojing's employment change and potential changes to the committee composition. Xiaojing Zu recommends to invite Sherre to be a committee advisor and to invite Jeremy to sit on the committee.
  • Xiaojing will ask Cameron again to give everyone on the committee access to editing the library webpage
  • Discussion of new coding method and interactive add-on options for database listing. Members are encourages to send further thoughts and ideas related to the matter to Jeremy by the end of next week. Jeremy will then contact Cameron to build the smart form to build and transfer database listing
  • Arrangement of meetings: June 8 2:00pm, June 17 2:00 pm. Sherre will invited to the June 17th meeting.
  • Discussion of possible new designs for library website homepage. Members will bring preliminary drawings and ideas to next meeting

May 18, 2010 2:00- 3:00pm, Conference Room

Members and Advisor present: Maureen Morgan, Martha Reynolds, Emily Thompson, Xiaojing Zu, Jeremy Worsham

  • Jeremy updated everyone on the status of migration the web to the new content management system Ektron
  • Training on Tuesday May 25th 2:00- 4:00
  • The group discussed time line for the migration project and the areas on the webpage that needs attetion

Aug 21, 2009, 3:00 - 4:00pm, Martha's Office

Members present: Maureen Morgan, Martha Reynolds, Xiaojing Zu

Summary of the meeting

  • Maureen provided update on campus calendar training. The committee discussed the process of future event posting. Martha is in charge of posting library hosted events on the library web page news box. Once an event goes into the news box, Maureen will post the event on the campus calendar. Events posted on the calendar will appear both on Berry College homepage and on Berry College Facebook page.
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