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Popular or Scholarly? Tips for Evaluating Periodicals: Home

What's the difference?

This LibGuide is your starting point for distinguishing the differences between popular and scholarly resources. Popular articles are meant for a general audience. They tend to cover a broad section of topics in one issue and tend to use conversational language. Scholarly articles come from academic journals. These types of articles are usually longer in length and written by faculty, professionals, or researchers in that particular field. The language is more technical since it is intended for an academic and educated audience. 

Both popular and scholarly titles can be found in Berry, both in prin and online. If you want to use an academic journal for a class or peruse through the latest issue of Newsweek, you'll find periodicals located behind Java City. 

The University of Arizona provides a great visual source for the difference between these two types of articles. Popular vs. Scholarly Guide 

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