Corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate social impact is a form of international private business self-regulation which aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in, with, or supporting professional service volunteering through pro bono programs, community development, administering monetary grants to non-profit organizations for the public benefit, or to conduct ethically oriented business and investment practices.
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Ask ChatGPT: "what are some different types of issues related to corporate social responsibility?"
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TIP: use the term "social responsibility of business" and change the drop-down menu to read SU Subject Terms
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TIP: look for company-specific results by using ti(company name) and adding in a keyword related to your topic
TIP: Go into My Settings in Google Scholar to add Berry College Memorial Library to the Library Links option, which will prompt Google Scholar to search the library's catalog for availability through your local library.