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ECO 310: History of Economic Thought : Welcome

Use this guide to access your library resources and guide you through research skills with primary source documents.


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Morgan Stansell

About this Guide 

Welcome to your guide for ECO 310: History of Economic Thought. In this guide, we will explore different types of sources and introduce you to accessing resources through your library. 

This welcome page will give you a rundown of what you have access to through your library. Keep in mind that librarians are available to help in any area of research from developing a research topic to annotating and citing sources. You can schedule a consultation with a librarian by clicking this link or by choosing the "Book a Library Help Session" to the left of this box. 

Also, on this welcome page, you will see how to search for resources using WorldCat. Keep in mind that when you conduct a search, you can narrow down your results using filters. Also keep in mind that if you see a resource you would like access to, but we do not currently have, that you can put in a request through InterLibrary Loan at no additional cost to you!

Use the tabs to the left of this box to point you to additional information in this guide. You will find information on the difference between source types as well as resources on a range of different economists through time and more. 

Finding Materials in Worldcat

1. Go to the library's Online Catalog

2. Type in a keyword to search for resources and click "Search."

3. The search automatically pulls all different kinds of resources that are available from libraries worldwide, such as ebooks, articles, videos, and more. Use the filters on the left to narrow down your search. For example, you can choose to only see items that are available at the Berry College Memorial Library.