Off campus access to most of Memorial Library's e-resource subscriptions is limited to Berry students, faculty and staff. A few resources require users to set up personal accounts, but most rely on an intermediate authentication platform that prompts researchers to enter their Berry College Active Directory credentials.
Memorial Library is in transition from an authentication platform called EZProxy to OpenAthens. EZProxy/ucheck.berry links will cease to work after June 25, 2023.
Most e-journal articles include the permalink or DOI* near the author and title information for the article. Although slightly different, either url will reliably locate the article. If the permalink/DOI are not included, look for a link to format a citation to the article. Most citation formats will include an article permalink that you can copy. In most cases, with OpenAthens you will need only the permalink, allowing both Berry researchers and colleagues at other institutions who have access through their library to view the full text of the article wherever they are.
*Digital object identifier. You may need to correctly format the DOI url - be sure it begins with
Formatting links to ebooks varies from platform to platform. These are instructions for Memorial Library's most comprehensive ebook providers. For other platforms, look for similar tools - a permalink or citation format - but you may need to review the help pages for more information.
Linking to resources on Memorial Library's Research Databases list is easy and because our system provides a "friendly" url, you'll never need to update the link. Updates take place behind the scenes. Simply find the title you want on the list, click on the "share" icon to the right of the database name, and copy the url. No other formatting is necessary.
While journal home pages do not require authentication for off-campus access, an easy and reliable way to link to Memorial Library's subscribed journals is to use Memorial Library's Journal Locator, the A-Z list of our journal subscriptions past and present. Look up the journal by title, then right-click and copy the link to either all versions of the journal (in the left column) or a particular version of the journal (in the right column). As with Research Database links, Journal Locator links are maintained in the background so no updating is required.