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SPA 405 Dr. Alvaro Lieva - Hispanic Literature in the US

General Databases with Access to Literature Journals

Our general research databases are excellent tools because they search so many topics at once, but it can also be difficult to narrow results due to the sheer breadth of their scope. Try using advanced search techniques like narrowing results to specific subject areas.

Subject Specific Databases - Literature and Hispanic Culture

These databases focus more on specifically on exploring Literature and Hispanic Culture. Use these for a deeper dive into the subject matter, using keywords and filters to narrow down your searches to specific areas within these subjects.

Resources for Writing About Hispanic Literature in the US

 These resources are great for understanding the methodology of how to write about and research literature of all kinds. Also included are resources on Hispanic or Latin American writing specifically, from colonial era to contemporary times.

Access Databases Off-Campus

Databases are accessible off-campus via your Active Directory credentials. Your Active Directory username is the first part of your email address. (For example,  jsmith or john.smith).

To reset your AD password, visit the Berry MyApps Portal Here's instructions from IT.