One of the goals of Memorial Library is to meet the information needs of our users; a key element of meeting that goal is providing collections that support the Berry College commitment to providing an integrated education that provides students a solid foundation for life and the inspiration to serve others. We collect, organize, and make readily accessible information resources needed by the students and faculty of the college, and essential for teaching, learning, research, and scholarship. Memorial Library views itself as an integral strand of the fabric of residential campus life. We endeavor to develop a collection that not only supports the curriculum, but also includes materials that will arouse intellectual curiosity and support the co-curricular needs of the students.
In an effort to support the concept that " is basically a process of searching for and teaching truth..." and "...that as such cannot thrive in an atmosphere of intolerance, suspicion, or fear,"* Memorial Library shall make available to the Berry College academic community materials offering the widest possible variety of viewpoints, regardless of the popularity of the viewpoints or the popularity or unpopularity of their authors. (*Berry College Faculty and Staff Handbook, "Academic Freedom." )
Any current student, faculty or staff of Berry College may formally challenge materials in the collection. Those persons wishing to formally challenge a resource in Memorial Library completes the Library Materials Reconsideration Form, below. The completed form is sent to the Library Director, who will acknowledge receipt of the form and supply the concerned user with a copy of Memorial Library’s mission statement and the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. The Director, the librarian responsible for collection development in the subject area of the challenged resource, and an academic department representative will make the final decision. The person making the challenge will be notified in writing by the Library Director of that decision and any action to be taken. Appeals go to the Faculty Libraries Committee.