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Measuring Your Impact: Journal Rankings, Citation Analysis, and Other Metrics

Tools and methods for measuring the impact of an individual or their scholarshipp

Journal Acceptance Rates

Acceptance rate (or rejection rate) is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published. It can measure the selectivity or prestige of a journal, though like many journal metrics, the raw number is not the whole story. There is no single list or database of acceptance rates. If the tools below don't provide a rate for a journal, check the journal web page or try emailing the journal editor. 

MLA Annual Bibliography

For those journals in literature, linguistics, and folklore indexed by the MLA Bibliography, acceptance data is available in the MLA "Directory of Periodicals," found in the search menu in the online version of the MLA International Bibliography.


American Psychological Association

For journals published by the American Psychological Association, manuscript rejection rates, circulation data, publication lag time, and other journal statistics are made available in their Journal Statistics and Operations Data.