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Racial Justice and Anti-racism Resources

A starting place for the Berry community searching for resources on racism, antiracism, white privilege, allyship, and antiracist pedagogy.

New Books!

"Civility” and “politeness” are tools that most often protect and serve the most violently powerful people in our society. Telling the truth about a person's acts and deeds is not uncivil or impolite, but even if it were, civility and politeness are not the highest moral good. – ER Anderson, Charis Circle

Anti-Racism Resources for All Ages

This project emerged out of the pain and frustration associated with the back-to-back deaths of #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor and #AhmaudArbery in 2020. We must do better as a global society! #BlackLivesMatter This list is not a panacea. This compilation of resources is JUST A STARTING POINT to encourage people to do their own work and have their own hard conversations.

A Project by the Augusta Baker Chair | Dr. Nicole A. Cooke | University of South Carolina


Foundational Reading: the History of Racism in the U.S. 


Examining Whiteness

The Legacy of Segregation

Beyond Black & White

Personal Accounts

Articles & Essays

Articles & Essays from General Sources

Recommended by JS