Lucille Clifton (1936-2010), poet, children's fiction writer, memoirist, and educator, is one of the most popularly and critically acclaimed figures in American poetry. Her poems are compassionate, emotional and straightforward, and spring from her African roots and her personal history. Often using Black vernacular speech, she wrote on such traditional themes as family relationships, identity, love, religion, birth and death as informed by her experience of being an African American. Clifton also took on topics in American history and contemporary politics, such as slavery, AIDS, racism and terrorism. Her style tends towards minimalism and employs repetition, spare punctuation, puns, allusions, lower-case letters and elementary but evocative words. Proud of being both Black and a woman, Clifton affirmed life within difficult circumstances; strong in her belief that people can transform the world, she found examples of courage and endurance in her heritage that serve as models for contemporary readers.
Genre: Autobiographies and memoirs; Poetry